Compare And Contrast Views Of Facebook And Twitter And Their Usefulness For Educational Purposes

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Compare and Contrast Views of Facebook and Twitter and their Usefulness for Educational Purposes

Compare and Contrast Views of Facebook and Twitter and their Usefulness for Educational Purposes


In modern times, social media has become very popular among young generation. Different schools, college and university students are found to spend many hours on social media for entertainment and academic purpose. The internet blast and new tools called social software are enlarging the pace of discussion over entertainment than television and discussion over academic research than classroom. We can see that the world of communication through these social mediums have been greatly increased in which two major tools; facebook and twitter are speeding high. Different articles are published on the discussion that how facebook and twitter help students in educational learning and what are their disadvantages. This paper is designed to compare and contrast the views of Facebook and Twitter and their usefulness for educational purposes.


The question rises how twitter and facebook can help student in their educational learning process? Initially, we have to understand the role of social media and why it is created. Social media is basically designed for gathering people throughout the world on a single platform where they can make friends, share their views and improve their skills and other areas of improvement. Facebook and Twitter are the most active social mediums among students and importantly, this communication tool is also free of cost. In previous decade, telecommunication was famous for social interaction but certainly it's costly and not affordable for students. But in current times, internet galaxy introduced huge opportunities to students for sharing their views and learning via blogs, article writing, wiki answers and many more.

The article presents that using twitter in research projects is very helpful as students can tweet around and take help from their research partners like making observations, data analyzing, gathering information and documents editing. Moreover, students can interact with other stakeholders in the government, media and commerce field who are also the part of the research. In earlier decades, students need to visit different places and conduct primary research like conducting interviews and data collection; but in today's times, they can simply tweet them and get help in their research projects ( It is good to find that academic blogs are continuously expanding its ratio for the process of learning. The channel of twitter revolves around the sharing of blog posts for ...
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