Compare And Contrast Paper

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Compare And Contrast Paper

Compare And Contrast Paper


NBA is the global sports and media company that built around three major professional leagues of sports: National Basketball Association, National Basketball Association development league and Women National Basketball association (Zhang, 1995). The league has established as an international presence with games in more than 200 countries all around the world with provide coverage's in 47 different leagues in 6 continents. This large coverage of these sports needs marketing partners who regularly associated with promotion of these sports. KIA and Sprite are two major marketing partners who regularly give their marketing services in a different view and efficiently get success in their respective programming. This paper compares and contrasts the two different marketing strategies of these two organizations.



Kia motors America (KMA) is the marketing and distribution of KIA Motors Corporation that based in Seoul, South Korea. KIA has a sign for two years extension of its sponsorships with the National Basketball Association through their leagues for 2012-2013 seasons.

This deal between them has a motive to develop KIA sponsorships of the NBA to make the brand more official automotive partners of the NBA. According to Roy & Cornwell, (2004) KIA has also motive to sponsor not just the NBA, but also sponsor the NBA all star MVP award, which is giving to one of the most valuable player during. KIA Leveraging their partnership with the NBA

Involvement of Kia with NBA has driven dramatically increased awareness of consumers, perception and consideration for their brand. According to executive vise president of Kia, “our partnership leverages the game excitement and also increases interaction of Kia with passionate fans of NBA in each market”. KIA customer Connection

Over the past couple of years, KIA relationship with NBA has significantly produced well and considered KIA brand and exposed our existing lineup of vehicles to the fans of basketball all across the country. Company targets basically a upper middle class who spend around more than $10k for each NBA season of 41 matches. Company suggests them to come and see NBA at your Kia cars. Advertising

Advertising is one of the key strategies for Kia; they developed innovative programming, sweepstakes, advertisement and many activities during the key point of the NBA season, including the Finals and NBA playoffs. Company uses online adverting Their tag line receive two tickets to two thunder home games with a purchase of any new KIA. It is show then encouragement sign to their target audience to buy Kia and get tickets of 2 games of NBA. Television and Radio advertisement that company uses to sponsor NBA are other efficient technique of a business that receive high positive response. (Retrieved from: of Campaign

Automaker (KIA) is an official partner of the NBA. Effectiveness of Kia sponsorship is we calculated through varieties of projects they have performed for NBA in 2011-2012 seasons such as 2 hours television show of ESPN. Suggestion and Recommendations

My problem is that why Kia partnering ...
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