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In both stories the similarities are striking, characters in both stories are involved social turbulence activities. In The Other Wes Moore there are two boys from Maryland were raised by single mothers in rough neighborhoods. Surrounded by drug traffickers, gun violence and gang activity, each struggling to make a name for himself the name? Wes Moore. These men can share a name, but had very different destinations. Wes Moore is a Rhodes Scholar, a member of the White House and Wall Street bigwig. The other Wes Moore was convicted of killing a police sergeant and spend the rest of his days in a cell measuring 6 by 8 feet. "When I heard this story, which will turn the way we think about free will and destiny in reverse," says Oprah. In 2005, these men met for the first time and began to explore how their lives were separated so drastically. Wes, an Army veteran turned author, shares his experiences in his first book, The Other Wes Moore. As a young child, Wes, author of the book, he had a loving family, parents of success and a good house in Maryland. Then, when he was 3 years old, his life took a dramatic turn. His father died suddenly of a rare virus. You can not raise three kids alone, Wes's mother, Joy, his family moved to the Bronx to live with their parents. Joy enrolled their children in private school respected throughout the city in an attempt to protect them from drugs and gangs infiltrating their neighborhood. Wes Young soon discovered how difficult it was to straddle both worlds.

"I was really lost during that period," says Wes. "I ran quickly become too rich for the kids in the neighborhood and are too poor for children in school" became a troublemaker ...
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