Compare And Contrast

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Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast

Because I could not stop for death by Emily Dickinson

The poet Dickinson does not waste the time at all and quickly warms up this beautiful poem. She quickly says and makes the readers know that the whole poem will be all about death. The starting word of the poem “because” sounds a very clever idea to begin the poem with. As it quickly assumes that the speaker is actually giving some kind of explanation to any argument or may be to a question. This actually gives an alive and very active sort of a feeling to the poem. This sort of a feeling is very uncommon in other sorts of poem which sort of the times takes an observant type of a position.

The poet stating in the poem that she could actually not stop for death in true meaning speaks about that the speaker does not have any choice at all for the time when she has to die. The speaker says to the listeners that these are common things which everyone must have heard off. If there are people who have forgotten the phenomena of death Dickinson reminds them that it is not at in control of human that when they have to die.

Dickinson very openly capitalizes the phenomena of death because according to her death cannot be denied and every person should and must be ready for it throughout his life, however, on the other hand she emphasis on the funny part of the life as well, which is actually something which the speaker does more often to the nouns. In the specific case she actually meant to personify the Death as a very gentle sort of suitor who actually drives a horse carriage. This is actually the personification given to the human. The line of the poem ends having a dash. This is because it is both the characteristic of the Dickinson's great work. The work actually diverts the readers to the next line (Brooklyn, 2012).

The speaker says that death comes in the form of a gentleman suitor driven by a horse riding a carriage. They actually move along at a very relaxed speed and at this time the speaker actually feels at ease with this gentleman. As the move around the town the speaker gets delighted to see children playing in the park, and also get pretty excited watching the sun set.

But as soon as the sun sets and the speaker starts getting a little chilly, as the speaker is completely under dressed, as she is only wearing a very thin sort of a shawl for only a coat. This shows that she was completely unprepared for any impromptu sort of a date with the death when she got up and got dressed that only morning.

In the other lines she says that it's only the death and the carriage that are alone on the track, but in the other lines this phenomena gets a bit confusing by ...
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