Comparative Essay

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Comparative Essay

Comparative Essay


The foreign policy of the United States in the 20th century highlights the historical persoectives. The events of Cold War and Vietnam War are two important events in history and the role of United States in these two wars is huge. The impact of the United States in the world was not huge and big until and unless the Pearl Harbour attack. The political and economic power of the country was significant and it was the time when the country was emerging as an international economic power. The tensions during the cold war were reduced to the alliances and also due to the anti communism. These two were the common strategies of the western countries as they had power and wanted to exercise it. This system did not, however, avert the Vietnam conflict and its consequences on domestic affairs. As the Cold War to a close the meat of the domestic calendar interests themselves projected over the overall one, even if they had to be negotiated with international partners in the context of globalization. This essay will be focusing on comparing the two articles “Cold War Strategy and U.S. Intervention" by Robert McMahon and "The European Influence on America's commitment to War in Vietnam" by Mark Atwood Lawrence.


The books discuss the events of World War II and the Cold War that created scenarios with much defined roles: the struggle against fascism and communism. Joints were favorable for the U.S. to get involved, without recourse to further justification for its departure from the principle Washingtonian. The decision to join the British Empire to form an unusual alliance with the Soviet Union against the Nazis, was evidence of its decisive role in the Western world. Although suspicious with each other, respect the pact allies to the end, in large part ...
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