Company Law

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Company Law

Company Law


The aim of this coursework is to discuss that courts steadfastly treat companies in a group as separate legal entities. In United Kingdom's company law, a company is a separate legal personality that enjoys all the rights of individual exceptions, including the right to act outside the province that created it. It is distinct from its shareholders and independent, she cannot be considered an agent or a screen for its shareholders. The company is a separate person: she therefore has specific rights and obligations. A corporation is a legal entity i.e. established by law as establishing, functioning and final that has an existence separate and distinct from its owner, it is an artificial person who has rights and obligations as a natural person. A corporation, as a legal person, can own property in its name. A corporation has legal status before the law, i.e. may claim or sue another person. The principle of the Salmons firmly established that a company has a legal personality distinct from its shareholders and has been applied in a wide variety of cases.

A corporation is a separate legal entity, unlike its members, which makes it legally distinct from its shareholders, directors, promoters, etc. and is vested with the rights and is subject to certain duties and obligations. The doctrine of legal personality remains paramount for the UK's company law; even if we can say that the doctrine may have lost some of its importance due to the number of exceptions that have arisen. However, these exceptions donor undermine the doctrine which is necessary for its operation and that if the doctrine had no exceptions to this rule, and then it would be a weakening of the most deadly doctrine that one of the exceptions.

Discussion and Analysis

The term company under a legal point of view is a legal entity which has all the attributes of the individual without being one. Therefore, the individual and the corporation have distinct heritages. A limited liability company, or LLC, is a business structure designed to reduce the risk of liability to its owners. This form of business ownership establishes the company as a legal entity that is unique and separate from its owners. Corporation as a legal entity may enter into contracts, property and even commit crimes. A corporation, as a legal entity, may enter into contracts, property and even commit crimes. The courts have held during the directors personally liable for their actions.

Depending on the city and the country to establish company, there are several classifications which can be applied to this entity. One of the most common partnerships is limited liability company (LLC). The main advantage of this type of legal entity is the legal protection. A corporation may consist of one or many more people. The corporation may be private (where the owners are few and new owners cannot afford their share on the open market), or a corporation can be public, where their actions (of the assets) can be freely bought and ...
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