Company Case Porsche

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Company Case Porsche

Company Case Porsche

Answer No. 1

The buying decision of the traditional Porsche customer is comprised of five stages explained as follow: Recognition of Need

The buyer of the brand Porsche is a successful persona and has high profile life. H/S loves to take challenges, work hard, set high goals in every aspect of life, and work at a higher designation. Such customers can be distinguished from ordinary mass of population and utilize highly exclusive and sophisticated things. The car that they buy must reflect their exclusive choice and lifestyle.

Search for Information

The customer tends to look for detailed information about the product such as features, quality, functionality etc before making a purchase decision.

Evaluate alternatives

The customer does not purchase Porsche car for transportation purpose only, instead h/s wants to enjoy the ride to its fullest. The buyer makes the purchase decision based on assessing features like horsepower, handling, sound system, speed rather than fuel economy, size, price, and other factors. The customer compares these characteristics to other brands or other cars under Porsche brand.

Purchase decision

The purchase decision of Porsche car is based on the views of peer regarding product and the uncertain circumstances such as financial loss.

Post purchase behavior

The buyer also expects from the company to offer specific services after purchase of a car. There is a probability that the customer may also experience post purchase dissonance in which he considers that buying other car would have been a better decision. The company must provide excellent services to repeat the buying behavior of the customer and create brand loyalty.

Answer No. 2

The buyer of Porsche car may skip other stages of purchase decision and directly purchase the car. These customers emphasize more upon the model and appearance of the car. They tend to form a bond with the car. They neglect functional features ...
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