Company Analysis

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Company Analysis

Company Analysis


We are company situated in the outskirts of London. The name of our company is Russ Juice Ltd. It was founded in the year 2000. As it is clear that fruit juice industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world (Brown, 2005, pp 209-214). The rate of growth in this industry is around 27% year on Year, abbreviated as Y.O.Y. This fast-paced growth in this industry is due to the rising awareness level amongst the public. This awareness is related to the hazards of Cola drinks. Therefore, the growth in this sector is great.

Russ Juice Limited produces two products one is the Organic Juice and the other is non-organic juice. In the Non-organic juices, the company makes use of artificial preservative and flavors to maintain the quality of Juice. While in the Organic juice no artificial preservative is added, everything is pure in the Juice.


Brief About Russ Company

This company was formed in the year 2011, after its owner tapped the need for a company, which could produce packed juices. Although juice at that time were packed but the quality was not same as the owner decided to have. The Owner wanted to bring in juices with the best quality. Thus, he introduced these juices, which were organic and non - organic Juice. He also introduced the freezer, which stored them at temperature below -20 degree (Banks, 2011, Pp 63 - 86). The Company produces five flavors in both organic and non-organic flavors. The juices are of Raspberry, Mango, Grape, Apple and Orange Flavor.

Target Market

The company is planning to target the young generations between the ages of 12-30 years of age. The company will also target the touring customers. This is because the customers who are visiting the country by highways buy in bulk. The company will place its vending machines on busy highways and checkpoints (Hillstrom & Hillstrom, Pp 63-76). These vending machines will have the option to pop out juice packs, the temperature of the juice will be decided by the customers. The temperature will be between room temperature to -20 degrees. This temperature control and Organic Juice is a Unique-selling proposition of this company.

Potential Threats and Opportunities

The Global Juice industry in the year 2010 accounted for almost $ 84 billion in the year 2010. The growths of this industry in the last 4 years have been around 4 % YOY. In the year 2015, the size of the market is expected to cross $ 92 billion.

The competitor of this market is the beverage markets such as the ready to drink, herbal drinks, bottled waters and energy drink. The juice consumption has recorded a strong growth in the developed and developing market due to the after recession condition (Storey, 1994, Pp 52 - 63). This growth is expected to further increase due to the rising awareness level for the health and negativity of the cola drinks.

Product Analysis

The organic juices, which we are going to produce, will me around ...
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