Community Oreinted Policing

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Community Oriented Policing

Community Oriented Policing


Community Policing is collaboration between the community and police that solves problems after identifying them. It is a philosophy to develop strategies at organizational development, which enhance the organized utilization of problem-solving techniques and partnerships. The main objective of community policing is dealing pro-actively with the present conditions of the society that may trigger common man's safety and security such as social disorder, fear of crime and crime itself. In a society, where community policing practiced “Police officials” are not the sole guardians of law and order. In fact, all the individuals in the society give in their efforts to improve the safety and security of the community by becoming loyal allies (Crawford, 1999).


Possibility and Success of a Community Oriented Policing

Community policing requires a locally active, decentralized, citizen-friendly and outspoken Police Authority. In view of today's threats, such as organized crime or international drug syndicates operating are obvious that community policing is not a cooperative model. Community policing often works as a "fair-weather strategy" of the police, and perceived as helpers to create a more positive public image. Another problem is that, the strategies of community policing cannot be implemented in all areas. For example, a foot are not in rural areas or far-flung suburbs can be used. Neighborhood-watching is also in some areas for the citizens due to the high crime too dangerous. Equally problematic is that, the idea seems very citizen-friendly, can lead to other citizens for greater control and accompanying police repression. The procedures are no longer determined by threats or fraud, but by the prevailing morality and the law enforcement and security notions of community. In effect, this would mean that mostly as a "high-risk population" defined population groups will be monitored, social exclusion and stigmatization can result. In order to, effectively police the community, society must be ready and willing to cooperate with the police in stopping crime (Oliver, 2008).

Comparison of Community Oriented Policing and Problem Oriented Policing

The differences between COP and POP are obvious. In an ideal type, of confrontation has drawn a distinction between COP and "Problem Oriented Policing". COP characterized among others by visible, directly reachable police force, that appears as persons in appearance and seen as generalists with regard to crime and safety would be. In contrast, Problem Oriented Policing (POP) to citizens working invisibly, the cops are only indirectly accessible and specialized work, a more impersonal style of work is characteristic. The relations between police and community are in the bureaucratic hierarchical, authoritarian, and to create distance.

Most clearly the differences, if the target police activity considered. COP aiming to become the solution of crime and safety problems, bureaucratic police that is, POP saw the contrast to the first place, "Fight Crime" as from this perspective, COP appears as a corrective to the centralization and to fight crime cut through professionalization of modern police forces. The "Crime Fighter" orientation has neglected not only the (security) needs in the communities, but they have also underestimated, that success ...