Community Needs Analysis Of Miami Municipal

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Community Needs Analysis of Miami Municipal


The Miami Municipal area is a reputed Municipal area within the region of south Florida. Florida is credited with having three of the most populous counties with principal cities. Florida is characterized by a host of policy related problems as well as thus we would conduct a comprehensive investigation of different facets of the community in south Florida. All the different aspects that a community must look to address would be analyzed in a profound manner.

The different facets such as population, education, housing, ethnicity as well as other factors that significantly shape the success of communities in south Florida would be examined. There are multiple areas that require the attention of policy makers as well as thus there is a need for the policy makers to delve into the depth of each sector (Bryan, Kilfoyle, Gilmore, & Spieler, 2013).


The 2010 Census portrayed a total of 5,564,635 inhabitants. Thus it can be safely assumed that the Miami Municipal area is considered to be the most populous community in south Florida. It is also considered to be the most populous area in the south eastern United States as well as the eighth most populous in the United States. The Miami Municipal area is considered to be partially synonymous with the Gold Coast as well as is a major part of the South Florida region. The South Florida region is characterized by a set of intricate factors arising out of mismanagement as well as they would be discussed at great length.

Since the population of South Florida is largely restricted to a strip of land between the Everglades as well as the Atlantic Ocean. The Miami Municipal area is largely considered an urbanized area as well as is about 110 miles (180 km) but never exceeds more than 20 miles. The Miami Municipal area is considered to be the longest in comparison with other urbanized areas of United States. Only the New York Municipal area is longer than the Miami Municipal area.

In 2006, the Miami Municipal area had a total of 5,463,857 persons of which 1,671,398 reside in less developed areas.

South Florida is considered to be dominated by the Jews since a majority of people residing there are Jewish ethnicity. There was a total of 10.2% of the population that was Jewish in 2000. However, that number has increased rapidly as regards the census of 2010. There has also been a massive presence of Muslims numbering more than 70,000 in the community comprising of Americans that converted to Islam.


Another factor responsible for the large number of foreign born nationals in south Florida is the fact that residents belonged to Northeast as well as other regions. The demographics hold a high degree of significance in the context of communities as well as thus in our analysis of south florida we would look to examine the intricacies.

However, it has been observed that the Miami-Dade County has been known to be highly ...