Community Health Nursing

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Community Health Nursing

Community Health Nursing


Community health nursing is a term that refers to all types of nurses working at the local level, including health nurses. It describes the roles and activities of community health programs and work environments. The community health contributes in many ways to improve the health of people in their community. They are initiators changes to systems that promote health in our societies, and they play a pivotal role in preventing disease, disability and injuries, as well as in promoting health (Alligood, 2005).

Health care's provisions guarantee well being of any society. They are the provisions that, if not availed, can lead to dire consequences of health related issues on the community people as well as on the society on macroeconomic levels. In those societies where health care facilities are conveniently accessible to the ordinary men, prosperity and harmony reigns supreme. No other health care professional, has such a vast and vital role. Community Health Nursing is defined as a set of actions that are aimed at providing care to who are ill, mentally incapable, or dying, not only within the realms of the hospitals but in any other environment where health care may be required. This is a profession for providing help and assistance to those already suffering. Their role is far-reaching and, they have multiple roles to fulfill for the patient at home, rather than just being a care taker.


Community nurses are skilled professionals, who are skilled at multi tasking and take up the mission of working under challenging circumstances while others just limit themselves to the restrained boundaries of hospitals where their roles and duties are limited. The duty of a community nurse involves passion to serve and commitment to provide uninterrupted healthcare. She/he is the one who work in diverse settings and, this involves not only her vigilance, skills and technicalities; but also enough emotional balance to be able to dedicate her/his self towards the patient's recovery. Nursing is a science and an art, has its own set of knowledge based on scientific theories and is focused on health and well being. Nursing is concerned with the psychological, spiritual, social and physical persons and not only the medical process in the patient diagnosed therefore, focuses on the overall responses of the person interacting with the environment (D'Antonio, 2010).

Community Nurses' role

The nursing service of public health is primarily the health of populations or entire communities. The community nurse provides services to folks and families working to improve the health of the entire community. The community nurse specializes in health promotion and health protection and the prevention disease, and is aware of the fact that the health of people and communities, depends directly on the determinants of health such as housing, income, employment, education, health and safety (Donahue, 2010).

The community nurse contributes, in many ways to improve the health of people in their community. They are initiators changes to systems that promote health in our societies, and they play a crucial role in preventing disease, ...
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