Community Development

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Youth Sporting and Community Development

Youth Sporting and Community Development

This paper provide a community development program of “Youth Sporting”. This particular area is of importance to me due to sporting habits of youth and its importance towards community development. I shall be working as a manager in this program. Community youth can contribute to this in many ways such as participation, fund raising, etc.

The most salient elements of the youth sporting managerial process have now been covered in some detail. Together, these elements, or functions, constitute a managerial system. As part of a system, the managerial elements, or subsystems, comprise a set of interrelated and interdependent parts operating synergistically to produce efficient and effective organizational outputs and outcomes. All subsystems of the managerial process—planning, budgeting, designing, staffing, supervising, evaluating—are critical to the viability of the overall system. Synergy means that the effect of all the parts working together is greater than the sum of the effects of the subsystems taken independently: in other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. At the same time, however, synergy implies that a system's strength is diminished by the weaknesses of its parts. Additionally, all the subsystems must be aligned with one another: they must be based on similar design principles and values and must be oriented toward the same goals. The important implication of the systems approach for me being a youth sporting managers is that proficiency in all of the functions of the managerial process is essential for successful managerial performance.

Managing the Environment

A Youth Sporting manager will need to monitor trends in the environment constantly, from the local and state levels to the federal and, sometimes, the global level. Political trends including devolution of formerly federal responsibilities, privatization of services, and increased accountability demands are likely to continue. Macroeconomic trends will always be relevant: in good times there may be increased funds for prevention, and in bad times less funding will be available when it is needed most. The “marketization” of Youth Sporting events and the increasing globalization of the economy will continue to affect Youth Sporting agencies and clients. Social and organizational complexity will, if anything, increase, requiring managers to look clearly at wider aspects of society and anticipate change further into the future. Needs assessments, asset mapping, community collaboration, and marketing and public relations strategies will all help the manager and the agency deal with the environment. (Chanan, 2007)

Planning and Program Design

For the Youth Sporting manager to survive and achieve in today's Youth Sporting organizations, he or she must have knowledge and skills in the planning process, including assessment of the environment; the determination of strategy and goals, and their alignment with organizational mission and purpose; the specification of program objectives, based on program goals, and their formulation in measurable terms. Strategic planning has emerged as an effective method for integrating the organization's mission and internal strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats in the environment. Thoughtful attention must be paid to the consideration ...
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