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Community College

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Community College

Community College


Community colleges can be very convenient because of their location. A college can turn down anyone's application as much as they want. Community colleges can be very convenient because of their location. A college can turn down anyone's application as much as they want. They are more like an extra step after high school to better prepare someone looking to go on to a college. The community college is a building block not only for individuals but also for the whole community including the nation. It provides education in the form of skills that can be use in many aspects of life. The author William D. Green of the article “We've overlooked one of our greatest assets” talked about his life experience at Dean College. Three reasons why community colleges are the jewel of our educational system is because they provide stepping stones to higher education teach important learning and decisions making skills and create a solid foundation for a career.


The students would want to try to intern at a local newspaper to get some experience. Also, students in this situation would need to keep in mind that the classes they take may or may not transfer to the college they wish to attend. In order to successfully move on from the community college program, students who are in the situation described must look much further into the future in order to keep themselves on track for their career goals.

The remainder of the student body is composed of those who have no decided major. This group can be divided in many ways : some students are attending just a few classes for personal enrichment , some are trying to make a decision between two or more majors, and others perhaps have not found a specific area ...
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