Community Awareness

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Community Awareness

Community Awareness

Gender Discrimination

For the purpose of understanding and comprehension, it must be understood and considered that issues and concerns always occur and rise to the surface, but it is up to the people living in the society that they would pertain to change the otherwise prevalent condition, causing dissonance and stress within the frame of society.

Rights of Women

With man as the primary source and soul of the establishment of a particular household, women have to make sacrifices throughout their entire lives, giving up their own aspirations and undertakings for the purpose and objective of making their family, relatives, associates and ultimately the entire society a better place to live. With the concept of a 'Barbie doll', it has made it evident in her work that although women are truly beautiful as they have been made, but thanks to the social pressures, needs, wants and demands of the family, maintaining a poised and respectable gesture at all times for all to see and impressing all the people around them.

With keeping in focus of the women that reside in America, all the females, either working in the corporate world, or managing their households, have to face a great deal of criticism and denial when it comes to accepting a woman. The Barbie doll, an iconic “toy”, symbolizes the culture of the US and portrays the true essence of the embodiment and personification of the female body (Batchelor & Burman, 2004).

For more than 40 years parents have been buying the doll, along with Barbie's companion, Ken, for their daughters, who attempt to emulate Barbie's appearance and the values that that appearance embodies. Indeed, in some segments of society, the term “Barbie Doll” itself has become a term of derision, signifying an attractive, but vapid, blonde who will do what she is told. I repel this image, implying that it is inherently destructive.

In my viewpoint, the women have to be firm and persistent in terms of their expression and personality. Women, in comparison to mean, are emotional and have complex thinking patterns, which make them patient and vulnerable at the same time. What all these women need to do is to make strong amendments in their lives when it comes to such harsh criticism.

Well-earned education is of prime concern for all females as this shall help be more aware of the surroundings and help them better understand and comprehend as to ...
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