Community Assessment Paper - Cleveland, Mississippi

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Community Assessment Paper - Cleveland, Mississippi

Community Assessment Paper - Cleveland, Mississippi

As the main objective is to assist Cleveland community members to their dependent, they need guidance to help patients meet their needs for self-care. This means Cleveland community members need to understand the system proper community welfare and apply it in their practice. About a century back, community welfare was considered a low profile, professional occupation. However, based on studies and community welfare approach proper community welfare system in place, has become a more significant occupation and training. Since then, the profession has evolved through several stages (Capuzzi & Gross, 2012). Community welfare today is studied as any other science discipline worthy.

Beginning with the initial community welfare approaches, the concept of Nightingales community welfare and care was more comprehensive than it was. It revolved around elements, including ventilation, noise, range, diet, light, joy and hygiene (Curtis & Simons, 2008). Several community welfare approaches have emerged since the time nightingales and although the basic idea of all the approaches was more or less the same, with the passage of time community welfare approaches have taken a more scientific approach (Nelson, 2011). That said, the approach assumes that the patient would be willing to return to health and are Cleveland community members who will care for him only until recovery completes. Another assumption is also made that all Cleveland community members will perform their task with unconditional devotion. None of these assumptions are always true.

Self-care deficit occurs when the self-care agency does not meet the requirements of their self care. This results in a deficit of scarcity care of themselves and therefore indicates that a community welfare agency is required. His approach begins with the preventive element of self-care, highlights the role of Cleveland community members after self-care deficit occurs and extends that role not only for the recovery of the patient, but also to educate patients about self-care. This approach is more sustainable approach, since it is not restricted to the provision of health care, instead it also focuses on health promotion and maintenance (Freiman, Montgomery, Green, Thomas, Kleiner & Boulton, 2011). The biggest limitation of his approach is that it primarily focuses on disease rather than welfare as a whole.

There are several other community welfare theorists that have emerged since then. Each added new dimensions to community welfare approaches, including behavioral systems, environmental energy and interpersonal processes (Capuzzi & Gross, ...