Community Action Plan On Hiv And Aging Population

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Community Action Plan on HIV and Aging population


This action program aims to bridge the funding gap in order to prevent the disease of HIV among older people of Canada by implementing an awareness program, to combat the HIV / AIDS and other diseases. Given that funding for the fight against AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis is still insufficient, the community shall enhance initiatives that can bring better results. This research was based on a qualitative analysis, which provides an explanation of the process under study and its essence, origin and manifestation, in contrast to what it offers as quantitative research in terms of numbers. The qualitative research involves an interpretive approach, which is naturalist toward its object of study. The researchers study the reality in its natural context, as it happens, trying to get a sense of, or interpret phenomena in accordance with the meanings they have for the people involved. The present case relates to the older generation of Canada.

Table of Contents


Objectives of the Program6


Methods used in the Investigation8

Methods and Procedures9





Community Action Plan on HIV and Aging population


To address the principles and theoretical and methodological elements of the HIV/AIDS that support this research under the Methodology for Self Community, it was necessary to search for definitions of key concepts such as: HIV/AIDS, community self-development, community participation in the intervention group at Community, subjectivity and systematization, as key elements of the process of intervention.

Issues of sexuality in older people involve later in life relationships, limited exposure to safe sex messages, assumptions that they are non sexual, etc.

Prevention of HIV/AIDS

Prevention of HIV/AIDS is a set of environmental, psychosocial and community factors that can be integrated into a dynamic power of guiding, controlling and systematization of actions aimed at developing the prevention of risk of the disease effectively in the long term.

Self Community

Sometimes people adapt to the ailments that afflict without fighting because they lack the resources to implement those active participation enabling them to address the contradictions of the community. It is necessary therefore, to assume the community in its conception as a process of self-development, based on the search for plans and where the participation and cooperation of the young and older people is necessary, to make every effort in the search for a community work successful and committed. It imposes open spaces of groups of reflection and discussion in places to create self community (Cervantes, 2011).

Community Participation

Community participation is the basis of the principle of community self-development in the older people. When talking about community participation, it refers to the active and creative participation of older people in the community. It is the process of identifying problems, making decisions and carrying out procedures that are designed to promote health. It locates older people as subjects and objects of changes that have to be produced, but firstly, developing in them the perception of the real problems that are faced to make progress. The results of this process have great significance ...