Communism Vs Capitalism

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Communism vs Capitalism

Capitalism vs Communism


This paper will treat roughly most famous political-economic systems with the intention to introduce to all readers and to differentiate the two systems par excellence: Communism and Capitalism. Relevant considerations, before explaining how the system works, take a few paragraphs to defend and argue why it is the best today. One of the major differences between capitalism and communism is with regard to the resources or the means of production. They both have their flaws. Especially communism since it is nearly impossible to have a perfect communist state. There will be less motivation to move technology forward since there is no money reward.


Communism as a Problem

In Communism, the source of power rests mostly within the Government ironically, while Communistic ideals are against the main issues of capitalism, Communism requires it in order to survive (Bellamy, 2003). Government doesn't actually make anything. They wait for the governed people to do the work, and than those who control government come in and decide how they want to distribute the results of that labor. It is the power of distribution (as well as personal gain) that sows the seeds of corruption in government. In short, Communism fails mostly because of greed coupled with poor decisions (Werhane, 1994).

These failures can take various forms, such as:

Bribery, or taking money in exchange for illicit favors

Election fraud or even downright power grabs. Whatever it takes to stay in control of the government

In various ways, distributing the wealth not to those who most need it, but those who help keep them in power.

So what most often occurs during the biggest failures?

Companies/Industries forced to give up too much in order to continue, causing unemployment

Assassination of specific people that can endanger the political control

Mass murder of unhappy, rioting people

Possible war with other countries to either increase or keep from losing power

What's the usual effect of these failures?

Unrest among the governed people who are adversely affected by government actions


The dishonest political leaders are often exiled and even killed

The worst cases may require other governments to assist, even if that means going to war to remove the corrupt leader(s)

In short, when communism, or more specifically government fail, it almost always leads to loss of lives.

Capitalism as a solution

While there are many permutations of it, the major point of Capitalism is that the power rests mostly upon the business owners and ...
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