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Communications And Media

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Better Communication in Relationships

Better Communication in Relationships


Within the context of human relationships, communication plays a role very important because it is through that create and sustain all types of relationships, this is why it is necessary to study and understanding to make communication with a tool to develop strong relationships that benefit all parties involved and to society. The following briefly develop some issues related to the context, such as human relations today, what is communication and overcoming this personal relationships in human groups and finally the issue of race study Business Administration (Gray, 1992, pp.131). To complete the study, we present the conclusions to which analysts have come after the research, being in a general aspect, that communication is a major determinant in the fact that interpersonal relationships are successful or not and to obtain what is expected of them.

Communication and human relations

Four centuries before the Christian era, Aristotle defined man as a social animal.

Throughout the centuries, human life has been a very complex fabric of communications. Eminent anthropologists attribute the merit of culture and civilization to the language. This in its different forms, by allowing more and more sophisticated communication has created a gap and a gap between Homo sapiens and the apes in the forests and zoos.

For human relations there are no recipes, there are no rules of mathematics and of universal application. Maybe that's why no one has success in their relationships. And who said the opposite of himself, lie or deceive. An aid to locate in this mare magnum is to distinguish the major areas of existing and acting: family, work, social activities, and analyze them separately, in an examination. All communications in addition to specific content includes certain information about how that content should be taken. Never too fine tune our antennas and radio receivers to successfully overcome the difficult and eternal task.

Human relationships are not made in the abstract but in very specific circumstances of race, age, sex, status, ideology, social norms, historical periods, cultural traditions, ecological situations and expectations. Every human relationship is unique. Every human relationship could repeat the famous expression of Ortega and Spend, "I am myself and my circumstances. A selfish person does not communicate like a person altruistic and helpful. Nor are the same relations of the individual dominant and submissive, the energy and the apathetic, the bold and the timid.

Although we have a limited ability to pretend, we communicate as we are, rather than with the ones who decide. For better or for worse. Psychological and psychiatric sciences teach us that many of the personality disorders are lurking in the interpersonal interaction. There are facilitators of human relations, which go in the opposite direction of the barriers. Become conscious of the complexities of interpersonal communication; not live in the ingenuity of what the person wants to express, it will capture the same way, or that the way others perceive me is my reality and my own reality , and the unique way that others ...
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