Communications And Culture

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Communications and Culture

Communications and Culture


The modern media have become a part of our lives, in terms of the socialization process as well as, in terms of the demands of the professional world to the individual. It is, therefore, necessary to consider not only the advantages or disadvantages of modern media, but this confident and meaningful integration into the development process of children. Therefore, just parents and educators are challenged, not the children and young people to stay away from the modern media, but rather to help them with the critical examination of the media and thus to raise awareness for a thoughtful and responsible approach to the media (Moeller, 2001, p. 122).

The topic under study relates to the evaluation of debates surroundings media effects with reference to contemporary examples. For this purpose, the evaluations of debates are in context to the theme of the given statement; which is as follows: “The simple error the campaigners make is to assume that, if TV, or film, or whatever, has some influence it must have the kinds of influence they want to ascribe to it […] their claim is that the materials they judge to be 'harmful' can only influence us by trying to make us be the same as them. So horrible images will make us horrible - not horrified” (Barker & Petley, 2001, p.32) The argument indicates that television or film or things alike have influences on people. These influences might be of different types. Some of these are as follows:

Generates people interest toward things they never knew

Making people stay awake till late

Provide people a sense of belonging by taking them to the happenings of cultural events

Creating emotional affiliations such as becoming a source for smile, sadness, cry, patriotic, uneasy etc

Communicating with people in the languages which they understand

Hence, television and other media has influences and, this is the reason why advertising industries finds it worthy to spend millions of pounds. This is one of the proofs of media effects and influence because, if media or television dint have any influence, advertisers' would not have spending so much money.


This section evaluates the debates surrounding media effects with reference to contemporary examples.

The constant influence we receive every day through television, radio, computers, and all kinds of mass media is extraordinary and complex. Analyzing media influence, knowing its causes, means and the subsequent effect on people include personal or collective action that characterizes a group (Gauntlett, 1995, p.131).

Although the capacity in the use of our modern media does not cause a profound respect, mass communication is a crucial process in modern society. Media does more than just fun. It provides a flow of information that is essential for our political system, for our economic institutions, for everyday life styles and, even our forms of religious expression. It is important to know the influences of mass communication in our individual lives and collective development of knowledge on many other issues studied by many ...
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