Social online network is at the peak of popularity. Social networks have virtually replaced the live communication. It is understandable for the modern human social networking easier, a lot of opportunities here. It is fashionable to create a social networking group and join them. Groups are different and vary in areas, interests, leisure, information, is that a group of people united by a strictly one to any particular name or type of activity, but in order to that the group existed and operated successfully, you need promotion groups Friendster or other social networks as well as site promotion, this procedure allowed the group to make a viewing, and visited, and therefore it will become more and more participants. Promoting own group is hardly possible, but to attract professionals - it is simple, fast, affordable and profitable.
A lot of established firms and companies engaged in the optimization and website development, contextual advertising, promotion groups in popular social networks. This paper focuses on Social Media and networking as an influential piece of communication (Harris, 2008) Social networks are not homogeneous, but its configuration evolves from the natural tendency of each person to have many or few friends, to relate more or less with their familares and so on. Thus, the strength of our network does not depend solely on the contacts we have, but also acquaintances with people we know.
The influencer's power to influence depends on two factors:
The target's likelihood to be influenced by a specific influencer depends on four factors:
Social networks are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the behavior of web users. The social networking services increasingly have more traffic and a growing use by the users. No doubt that they are becoming spaces of community, where users interact with their environment and near distances. Through individual behavior can understand user behavior in general. Undoubtedly, the social influence in its essence is what leads us to use this type of service that most of our friends are already using; we succumb to that pressure and social interactions move online life.
In this sense, the influence exerted upon us our friends, or vice versa, is amplified to new horizons of contacts. The influence upon us our environment, for example, leads us to buy a product because one of our friends recently bought a product. Moved to online life, the influence would lead us to consider the recommendations on a particular brand, campaign, product, service make our contacts / friends on social networks or those people who believe that they have the correct view, the which we welcomed as to let us direct our own personal opinion (Anderson, 2011). The influence of certain people about us in the digital life also leads us to have a specific nucleus of friends, built based on common affinities. In this sense, identify situations in which social influence is the cause of the correlation is crucial. Social influence determines that an idea, behavior or product is advertised through ...