Communication Technology And Social Relationship

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Impact of Communication Technology and Social Relationship

Impact of Communication Technology and Social Relationship

Communication Technology and Social Relationship

In recent decades social relations are affected by the development of new communications technology: telephone, internet, laptop, etc., and have changed the interaction between human beings. Some see the perverse effects undermining the real human contact; others on the contrary think that these are technical progress factor. This is to ensure the transmission of a message to a transmitter to a receiver via a channel, whether verbal, textual, visual, technical or otherwise. If relations between individuals are disturbed by the eruption of these techniques, one can wonder about the nature of a real relationship. For a number of players new technologies introduce perverse effects in human relations (Cox, 1991, pp. 45-56).

They can be a refuge for fugitive confrontation or difficulty of a real relationship with him to find the illusion, through these palliative, to fill his solitude in a virtual way. An individual needs, for its own construction, to confront the contradiction and therefore adversity. Internet can be a source of fascination, especially among young people, sometimes leading to excessive consumption and a pathological dependence. The danger of slippage is also with respect to the content of the information returned, which is not filtered and thus reliability can sometimes be questionable. This opens the door to a misguided use for propaganda or dangerous action (terrorist networks).

Exchanged messages can also be misinterpreted by lack of access to any contradiction. A discussion forum citizen can never replace a real debate. Moreover this mode of communication often involves a quantitative filling and superficial at the expense of a quality exchange partners for truly rewarding. The individual is conditioned to operate in this type of communication which is powered by the race for consumption. The incivility of many mobile users is one manifestation.

Despite all these new technologies open up tremendous opportunities, are breaking down distances, and allow individuals to easily access a more extensive and continually updated. The online does not prohibit a real communication when the content of the correspondence exchanged beyond mere chatter. Someone gave the example of a correspondence with a prisoner who cannot meet otherwise. It is also a tool to work together in groups of employees (Intranet). Internet has also allowed the development of networks of activists by creating a system of exchange favoring the creation of government-cons. This applies even within the company where these technologies also allow employees to organize and respond (Dickson, 2003, pp. 729-768).

The peculiarities of the selected age group, already mentioned, have caused qualitative research does not focus only on young people themselves, but also in their parents and teachers. This will cover the three main environ- cough in this group spent their time, which correspond to the analyzed in this study:

- The impact of technology on family life

- The impact of technology in schools, and

- Impact on social relationships with peers: friendly relations

The socialization process is of great ...
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