Communication: Talking From 9 To 5 Women And Men At The Work

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Communication: Talking from 9 to 5 Women and Men at the Work


Deborah Tannen is sometimes dismissed by other communication researchers as "pop psych" because her books are written to be accessible to the general public, but her findings are still grounded into real research, and she includes lots of transcripts of real-life conversations to illustrate her points. In this particular book she talks about some communication tactics that are more often found in women's speech than men's, how these approaches are often interpreted by men, and how that can subsequently affect how a woman in viewed professionally.

Deborah graduated from Hunter College High School in New York , then studied English Literature at Harpur College (now part of the University of Binghamton ). Received a master's degree in English Studies at Wayne State University. He continued his studies at the University of California at Berkeley, earning a master's degree and a doctorate in linguistics. She is currently a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University in Washington. She has taught in many countries and is the author of books on linguistics and interpersonal communication , some of which have become bestsellers.

Communication strategies often used in groups of women to build relationships and show goodwill--like asking for others' thoughts on an idea rather than confidently stating one's opinion as correct--can undermine a person's authority in the workplace. Rather than labeling one style of communication wrong or right, she uncovers how misinterpretations can occur and discusses how you might be more effective by better understanding how your communication style may be perceived.

The life of people is like a series of talks. The object of study in her career as sociolinguist has been precisely the conversations of all day and its effects on relations between people. In this book she has devoted herself to the voices of men and women. She has tried to find out the meaning of many bad lines that seem pointless, however, hinder our relationships. She has shown how men and women often interpret the same conversation differently, even when there are no misunderstandings.

Tannen is a psychologist and not a guide to the species as it should be talking to at work to achieve the best results. The author grows sociolinguistics: examine the social aspects of language, or verbal communication between people with regard to their roles in society. Throughout the book remains faithful to the role of the scientist-popularize. The text is divided into many fragments of very specific issues, and the author's comments are not too clear, as in any decent scientific work. Only about attracting the attention of the reader and may give rise to various emotions (Tingley, 16-28).


In a series of books on communication styles, linguistics expert Deborah Tannen describes how many of us, then, seemed to speak the same language, in fact, are not. For example, if you communicate with the newly included, in which all lead to a decision-making process when a family decision should be taken while your partner prefers that most or many ...
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