Communication Skills

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Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Name of Student: Student I.D

TASK 2: For your portfolio, choose 6 past questions; write them out below and then identity the following:

General Topic




Discuss The Social And Economic Consequences af a High Birth-Rate.

General Topic- social and economical

Birth rates in most developed nations have been inclining overall since the 1950s, with contemporary higher than 1950s rates. Between 1975 and 1995, some developed nations, including the United States and Great Britain, declared high birth rates as one of the major issues facing their societies. Although it remains impossible to note all countries, India, Bangladesh, and Niger often encourage young women to marry close to the age of 15 when menarche occurs, thus contributing to the high rate of births among teen mothers.

Restriction- high birth rate

Globally, subcommunities within each nation that have higher rates of immigrants, minority racial or ethnic populations, poverty or low socioeconomic status, and little educational experience lead to higher rates of teen pregnancy. This confluence of rates has created a great deal of commentary for many decades. Others argue that majority populations demonstrate a fear-fulness based upon discrimination when they decry teen pregnancy because of the high rate of racial and ethnic minority women who are teens and pregnant.Population growth leads to expansion of the domestic market, the value of which increases in cross-country competition, which means a more solid foundation for expanding domestic production and increase its productivity (Wallman 2010, pp. 3).

Aspect- consequences

Second, economies of scale of production, and especially the growth of the division of labour, also suggest a minimum of necessary investments in education and training per head of population.

Treatment- Described as follows

They may be particularly important and can serve as a precondition for the stock of useful knowledge. And if more people will be employed in the creation of the stock of knowledge, productivity per capita will increase, especially in the early phases of economic growth when the initial population, and in it - educated people, is still small. Similarly, the decline in fertility among populations that occupy the higher socio-economic status and more educated, may have a direct adverse effect - a new generation will reduce the number of people who have family and social status can provide a higher level of education and highly qualified. But if this decline - a necessary beginning of a process of adaptation to the respective economic modernization, the introduction of mass education in the population at the expense of society, ensuring the state minimum social security for all members of society, it can have a positive impact on economic growth.

Evaluate the Influence of TV on Children.

General Topic- TV

One of the main problems with existing media violence effects research is inconsistent conceptualization of aggression and violence. Television is one of the media having the most influence in the lives of children. They watch an average of 15 hours per week. The influence of TV on children depends on several factors: the number of hours spent watching television, their age, personality, the fact of watching TV alone or ...
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