Communication Process

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Assignment - Communication process


This study is about effective communication processes used in organizations. Communication skills have such strengths which helps in achieving our role in the social life and in the work place. If a person faces certain barriers in its interaction with peers or family members then he/she would need to reduce it. The use of information system in an organisation increases the communication process and reduces the barriers.



Five communication skills1

Strength in the Communication skills2

Weakness in the communication skills2

Action Plan using a SMART Objective3

Self Reflective Summary3

Process of communication in the Tele Communication Company (Telco plc oraganisation)4

Customers and Organization4

Management and Employees4

Describe Ways to Improve the Communication Process4

Improvement in an organization by adopting the IT system5





Nike's Marketing13

Marketing concept of Nike Inc.14

SWOT analysis14





Nike's strategy for increasing customer satisfaction16

Competitive advantage of Nike over other brands17




Task 1: Communication Process


Communication skills are very important in making person valuable and unique in any type of situation. It helps in every process of interaction, whether the communication process is between colleague, class mates and family members or the communication process is between stakeholders of an organization.

Scenario 1: Personal Communication Development Plan


Five communication skills

Five communication skills that I found in my personality are named as assertive communication, anger management, conflict resolution, team work, listening and learning skills and these skills allow me to communicate with others in an efficient manner.

An assertive communication skill is very important in the workplace because it clears all the points occur in the human mind. The person with the assertive communication skill can easily deliver his words to others. His words are clear, concise and up to the points. An anger management with the conflict resolution are found to be the valuable communication skills for the workplace which means if person becomes angry, then no one try to understand the meaning behind his words. Person with conflict resolution skill is found to be a person with positive attitude and goal oriented. Teamwork gives the most efficient result than the person who works individually.

Strength in the Communication skills

It is the important task for person to understand others words carefully, as most of the misunderstandings are created just because of ineffective learning process. If individual have above communication skills in his personality then can easily coordinate with others, find fewer problems in life, can easily achieve goals of life and works, make less mistakes in workplace, respect relationship, positive attitude, enhance his/her personality, communicate with others in an effective manners, always have good approach, control his/her anger, easily deals bad situations etc. thus effective communication skills provide many strength for future life.

Weakness in the communication skills

There are some weaknesses occurs in my communication skills. Those weakness are poor use of gestures and postures, speaking softly, fidgeting behaviour, non-planning for future environment, inability to maintain eye contact, inability in understanding other words. Above all weakness can be easily reduced from life by adapting the change of nature. It is the environment of world that people spend time for increasing their technical skills but do not ...
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