Communication Plan For Public Policy

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Communication Plan for Public Policy

Communication Plan for Public Policy

Cover Letter

Eastman Chemical Company

Kingsport, Tennessee 37662

United States

13th April, 2013

Dear Stakeholders,

This manuscript is formulated to present the public policy upon the environmental concern, which is emerging during last six month. It has realized that the extensive emission of sulpher in operation is causing the atmosphere polluted. However, as a corporately social responsible organization, Eastman Chemical Company has decided to over these problems to participate in the development of a better United States.

This communication proposal will elucidate the public policy, which is generated to address the concern of our society, and would definitely help our stakeholders to understand and consider our progress in the betterment of the environment, which is not only beneficial for people, living in this region, but also help us in the long run.

You're sincerely,

Director Operation,

Eastman Chemical Company

Executive Summary

The order is about the Stand your ground law and this states that it is lawfull that a person can use something in his self defence. This law is basically to save a person in respose of any unforeseen attack and event which can harm him. Mostly the concept is catered sometimes in statutory law as well as, sometimes it is considered in common law. One key distinction is whether the concept only applies to defending a home or vehicle, or whether it applies to all lawfully occupied locations. A Chemical factory in United States has come across with certain environmental concern, for which different legal and governmental bodies are charging upon its operational practices. The operation of the factory causing the emission of the sulpher in the atmosphere. To overcome this concern, the organization has formulated a couple of strategies in front of its stakeholders and decision makers. In the strategies, it is proposed that for short term fixture, the organization would install a sulpher filtration panel in the chimneys to reduce sulpher emission. However, in the long term the company will install a state of the art transfusion reactor and compressor, to convert sulpher and carbon into liquefied forms. However, the budgeting is also planned accordingly so that the company would not have to bear extra pressure in financial provisos.


This paper is principally catering to the public service policy with respect to the environmental aspect of the country. The communication plan would elucidate upon the environmental factors that are impacting the atmosphere of United States (Business Wire, 2006). The purpose of this policy is to converse the issues of environment to secure the atmosphere of the region for future generations. This document will critically elucidate various aspects, which are associated with the future of environment in United States, and also discuss with respect to the business to the stakeholders.

The business is principally a chemical factory, which is operating in the industrial region of the country (Zapata, P. 2003). However, its operation is creating a few environmental issues, which are needed to cater to stand for regulations of the government.

Public Policy Objectives

The principal objective of the environmental policy is to defend the surroundings ...
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