Communication Plan

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Communication Plan

Communication Plan

Context Analysis

It is a method which tends to examine the overall environment in which the selected company/product or business operates. As per the requirements of this paper we will be focusing on the internal as well as the external environment under which Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy operates. This is a very important part of setting a plan for your product, in our case it is Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy. The nature of the context analysis that we will be focusing on is SWOT Analysis. As the name suggests Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats attached to Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy. The main objective, behind this move is to take the first step in developing a strategic plan. In order to make Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy among the best service providers.


Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy situated on the finest small boat sailing waters in northern Europe (

Services, which are available, in the academy is of the state of the art nature with qualified training staff.

Academy provides the opportunity to the members to compete in sailing at all levels.

Has established its name since it came to the existence in 2005.

Has served as a host for many events in the past.

Environment Friendly


Struggles to generate the revenue s per the facilities provided

Academy situated 190 kilometres away from the Olympic zone of Central London, therefore; the distance hampers the amount of sensation academy should generate.

Dorset does not host motorway, and in the summers, transports seems to be densely packed.


Official venue for the Olympic Sailing events in 2012

Dorset County Council has granted permission for a road scheme to reduce congestion

during summers, including a single carriage way.

Revenues expected to go up as a result of Olympics 2012.

Huge opportunity for merchandising


Delays could hamper the completion of the road leading to the academy

Tough economic conditions are not allowing people to join in as they were doing before

Local workforce lacks the skills required

Communications objectives

The key to an efficient communication objective is developing an efficient plan which would act a gauge to measure the overall success of your plan. Therefore, the planning should be given a good amount of time because it can either destroy your campaign or it can take your campaign to an absolutely new level (Banting 2010.p.1-50).

Grey areas are often tough to find. Communication Objectives tend to set a path for your Marketing plan, having a confused communication objective is like the boat standing in the middle of the sea, clueless of its destination. As per our scenario, the communication objective will tend to focus on the question from the audience perspective that what does the academy holds for us? In order to caster to this question we will be setting up three-prong strategy which in phases, will reflect on this question and would try to answer this from three different angles. Whether you are drafting a campus memo, responding to an email message from a customer, or developing a major outreach campaign ...
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