Communication Methods

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Communication Methods

Communication Methods

Five Different Communication Methods

We all know the importance of communication in our daily lives. Nothing can take place without some method of communication being used to express ourselves for whatever purpose. Communication is even more valuable in a business environment as there are several parties involved. Various stakeholders, whether they are customers, employees or the media, are always sending important information to each other at all times. We are therefore constantly using some form of communication or another to send a message across (Guffey, 2004). Without these different methods of communication available today, it would take eons for us to carry out business as efficiently as it is done today and with the same speed. There are various methods of communications in which five of the following are very effective in the organization. These methods are:

Letters and Memos



Social Media

Online Chat

Advantages & Disadvantages

Letters and Memos

Due to its various advantages memos are widely used in most of the organizations. Infect it is very popular means of communication within an organization. Major advantages are as follows: 1. Simple: First of all it should be mentioned that memos are very simple in form and easy to use. 2. Time Saving: As memos are written in very brief form it saves valuable time.3. No Formalities: Infect no formality is maintained in a memo. Salutation and complementary closing are also avoided from a memo. 4. Specific: Perhaps the most important advantages of a memo are it is to the point (MTD Training, 2010). Only the main message is written very briefly in a memo.5. Less Costly: Memos are also cost saving. It is written in simple papers and can be transmitted very cheaply. Disadvantages of a Memo: As memos are used within an organization, its scope is limited. There are some limitations which are as follows:1. Limited scope: The major demerits of a memo are its scope is limited. Detail information cannot be provided by a memo.2. Lack of secrecy: In case of memo secrecy is not maintained, thus secret messages cannot be transmitted through memos.3. Not suitable for external communication: Another shortcoming of memo is it cannot use for external communication.


A key advantage of business meetings, from those held within the office among staff to meetings between a company and its client, is that it provides an opportunity to share information. This could be as simple as sharing updates on financials or recognizing new employees to more complex issues, such as contract negotiations, new client presentations or addressing problems with an account. An actual meeting pinpoints a time and place to have in-depth discussions without other distractions or work getting in the way. Business meetings are the perfect environment for encouraging teamwork, be it among staff or between client and account manager (Sandilands, 2013).

Business meetings can be a serious drain on company productivity. When staff has to spend time in meetings, then that's action that is not being taken to meet company goals and objectives. And the more staff involved in meetings, the ...
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