Communication In The Past And Present

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Communication in the Past and Present


Communication is the process by which information can be passed from one entity to another. Communication processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two people, which share a repertoire of signs. In this regards, traditionally, communication has been defined as the exchange of feelings, opinions, or other information by speech, writing, or other signs. All forms of communication require a sender, a message and a receiver designed, but the receiver need not be present or aware of the communicative intent by the issuer for the act of communication taken place (Ducate, 2003). However, over the years, communication is no longer only limited between two people but it has evolved through the help of mass media and cultural mediation. In modern times, communicate means to share with ideas, thoughts, through different channels and with a shared code.


Today, in an age of technological progress much success, unfortunately, lost the most important thing - the spiritual freedom of the individual. The modern reality is guided by mercantile interests, tangible assets, as there is no doubt that there is big difference between the present and the past (thirty or forty years ago) in communication system. Nowadays communication is much easier than before. It might be a fashion even. Fifty years earlier, there were few means of communication such as newspaper, radio, and sending letters, which seems too complicated for us nowadays.

In analyzing the past, and the present of communication, we realize that in any historical period, it has always been present. There are too many means of communication nowadays for instance, email, laptops, cell phones (I Phones - Galaxies), Facebook and twitter. Moreover, there are many applications in cell phones helps you to communicate. Firstly, Facebook is global website where you can write you daily news, uploading photos or video and videos and sharing whatever you wish with anybody. Your friends in Facebook are allowed to have a look on your profile they are able to chat with you even. Twitter works as Facebook, but it has a minor different which you cannot have a direct chat with your friend. Cell phones one of the best inventions in 19th centenary of many reasons.

The second type of the most common means of communication is being used nowadays. Firstly, it is one of the fastest and easiest ways to communicate between the whole world. There are many useful things to do by ...
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