Communication In Health Care

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Communication in Health Care

“Communication in Health Care and Social Care Organization”

Communication in Health Care and Social Care Organization

Task 1

1.1 Within Social or Health Care arrangement, it is essential that a two way communication theory should be applied in order that make a construction communication possible between the patient and the physician. It allows the recipient to provide feedback to the communicator, and in the similar manner, the communicator would respond. Two way communication allows developing a better understanding between two parties in any realm. Thus, in the same manner it would also help me in getting a better response from the doctor.

1.2 In a health care setting, it is essential that the practitioner should thoroughly communicate and provide feedback to the client (Anderson, pp. 537, 1993). Communication skills with in health care industry are essential to effectively satisfy the patient (Anderson, pp. 537, 1993). It is essential that the doctor should first ask the patient about his condition, and thoroughly enquire about its condition. Furthermore, with his experience and competence, the doctor should ask about more relative symptoms, which might be possible under such condition. It is advisable that ask as much from the patient as possible, and prove comprehensive feedback.

1.3 While dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication, it is essential that the practitioners should be provided with appropriate trainings and sessions upon the proper health care communication skills (Verlinde, pp. 12, 2012). Because a patient, on the other hand, could be of any type; it is also possible that the patient is unable to speak. In any case, the practitioner has to satisfy patient's claim. Despite of it, if the doctor is not paying attention, the patient can directly ask for his attention on the required claim.

1.4 The communication strategy of the user, in this case, in quite inappropriate (Atie, pp. 389, 2008). It would be adequate that the patient would have asked the doctor for more in-depth inspection. Eventually, he is acquiring a service, and it is the principle right of the patient to thoroughly communicate his condition to the doctor, and doctor have to satisfy his claim. User should need to ask the doctor with the questions, which are in his mind regarding his condition. Because doctors usually do not communicate about patient's condition; however, it is patient's right to know.

Task 2

2.1 In Health and Social Care setting, professionals are prone to listen less to the user, as they ...
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