Communication Dynamics Of A Business Website

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Communication Dynamics of a Business Website

Communication Dynamics of a Business Website


Communication and Marketing

Marketing solutions for businesses today are growing like mushrooms in the autumn season. Marketing communications is a set of actions, means and measures to control the process of promoting products and services on the market. Major marketing communications are part of the communication policy of the companies that put a goal to get into a new industry to bring new products or to increase their competitiveness and visibility.

Marketing Communication is defined as an approach implemented for the achievement of the goals of a marketing campaign through a well coordinated use of various promotional methods that are aimed towards the reinforcement of each other. It is noted that the core aim of an integrated marketing communication strategy is to advertise the contents of the package of the organization in an effective way. The core aim of this paper is to identify an effective integrated marketing communication strategy for Gloucestershire University involving a number of promotional activities for enhancing the effectiveness of the advertisement campaign of the airline (Pickton, 2005).

The communication process can termed effective when the intended user understands the information transmitted by the sender such that the purpose of information is not defeated.

The entire communication process revolves around the following 6 components:

Context: Communication is influenced by the context in which it takes place. Context is an essential element which has to exist before the communication can proceed.

Sender/Encoder: This is primarily a person who sends the message. Sender may initiate the communication process via graphic, verbal, written or visual means to invite a response. An organization, individual or a group may take the form of a sender. The effectiveness of the communication process is to a great extent influenced by the competence, knowledge, skills and approach of the sender. Verbal and non verbal symbols play a crucial part in ascertaining how the message is interpreted.

Message: This is the main idea what the sender wants to communicate. The communication process is incomplete if the objective of the message is unclear.

Medium: The message is exchanged or transmitted via a medium. In order to convey the message to the desired recipient an appropriate medium most be chosen by the sender. For the recipient to understand and effectively interpret the message it is extremely crucial for the sender to choose the right medium. For example if the sender wants to convey the message to a small group of people, written mode of communication might be the best choice, alternatively if a spontaneous response from the recipient is desired verbal mode of communication may help with the cause. Medium is one of the most important prerequisites to effective communication.

Recipient/decoder: Is that person to whom the message is aimed or targeted. For the recipient to understand the essence of the message, his knowledge of the subject will play a vital part. The effectiveness of recipient's understanding will also be determined by his responsiveness to the message and the reliance he places ...