Communication- Annotated Bibliography

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Communication- Annotated Bibliography

Communication- Annotated Bibliography

Topic: Communicating internally during times of crises, communicating ethical or value-laden messages

Oliver Schmidt, (2010), “Effective Employee Communication in Times of Crisis”, retrieved from:

This article is based over communication required with employees at times of crises. It conveys that crises for company has various forms and irrespective to it impact and outcomes one thing is common among all organization that a need for successful operational and managerial response also adequate communication with both internal and external stakeholders. Corporate crises deemed to be resulting into immense pressure and uncertainty for corporation and its employees. In order to avoid rumor or spreading of false information it is required both internal and external stakeholders to be communicated. In handling towards crises, it initially required communicating openly with internal employees and employees should be given freedom to communicate their ideas over issues. It also reveals that effective internal and external communication over crises required consistency of messages that are put forward by corporation and its employees. Effective management of crises is contingent on communication regarded to be two way process that is seeking feedback as well from internal employees over issues. This feedback enables management to get into knowledge whether messages are being reached the intended groups and it enables to generate better solution over crises.

Vara Vasanthi, (2009), “Communicating In Crisis Times: Lessons from Barack Obama”, retrieved from:

It is one of the cases written by Vara Vasanthi to portray the importance of communication particularly in times of crises. It reveals about communication used by Barack Obama at times of financial crises. United States passed through severe financial crises which regarded to be world's worst crises it ever had seen. In that times of crises, Barack Obama represent nation by becoming 44th president of United States on 20th, January 2009. He was enables to win over presidential elections through his ability and communication ability to get his thoughts across more effectively. It considers that dealing with crises cannot be just solving through speeches rather it is required more than speeches. It also reveals over evaluation of Barrrack Obama as an effective communicator over crisis.

Alan Jay Zaremba, (2010), “Crisis Communication: Theory and Practice”, retrieved from:

This book focuses over crises communication. It reveals information regarding crises communicator. It reveals facts over crisis communication strategy. Initial chapters of it convey ways for crises communication. It conveys that crisis communication comprises internal and external contestant which required to be communicated during times of crises. It required at part of crisis communicator to prepare in advance over the issues as crises are normal events which everyone is aware of and it can be anticipated. Crises communicator should also identify audiences who are required to be communicated at times of crises. He also required constructing and conceiving messages to be communicated to audiences, selecting appropriate media to convey information, and, feedback from external and internal audiences to be responded. It focuses over that crisis communication is considered to be in relation with ...
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