Communication Analysis Paper

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Communication Analysis Paper

Communication Analysis Paper


Effective communication is the core of personal and professional interactions. This paper aims to provide an analysis of the communication skills. This includes a discussion of a personal experience regarding the performance discussion. The paper describes the effective ways of appropriate listening, negotiating and conflict resolution. It subsequently provides a self assessment with respect to these dimensions, identifying the areas of improvement. In the end, the paper provides a plan to develop in the identified areas of improvement.

Experience Regarding the Performance Discussion

Recently in my workplace, I come across a situation in which everyone in the organization was called for one to one meeting with their reporting authority in order to discuss their performance for the previous quarter of the year. Just like everyone else, I was also a part of the performance review sessions that were being held throughout the organization. A thing that I and other co-workers especially liked about the performance review sessions was the one to one conversation and discussion that was being done. This prevented any one not performing well from embarrassment. Moreover, it also facilitated the employees and the employer to have more direct and precise talks with each other.

When my turn came I went inside the office of my reporting authority. My boss first of all showed me graphically and visually my performance in the previous quarter of the year. The graphical representation also showed my performance prior to that for the purpose of comparison. The boss then highlighted me the ways I could have worked out the things in a better manner. A positive experience here was that the boss did not highlighted or emphasized my negative performances or my mistakes. Instead of stressing on where I did wrong or where I fall short, the boss pointed out the ways I could have been better. My manager adopted a very light, casual and helping tone and language. He in no way indicated that I did wrong; he only told ways of improvement.

The discussion was an interactive one in which I was continuously asked to contribute. In the end of the discussion, the manager showed me my current performance and told me how can I do better than the last quarter and which are the areas that I need to concentrate more.

Effective Ways to Appropriately Listen, Resolve Conflict, and Negotiate

It is extensively important in an organization that the employees and employer have an open and clear communication. This directly translates into the better performance of the organization as a whole. Effective communication among the individuals in an organization is the key to prevent conflicts in the organization (Billikopf, 2003). Conflicts in the organization cannot be completely erased or avoided. Since the organization is a complex whole made up of diversified people, the variation in opinions is likely to occur. However, through effective and open communication, the conflicts and their negative effects can be reduced to a large extent (Kohlreiser, 2007).

By developing an open culture, effective communication can be fostered ...
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