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Marketing Communication Mix

Marketing Communication Mix


Organizations are created with the objective of making profits; this is the sole purpose of organization from the point of their origin. The dynamic environment of the world is compelling the companies to take in account all the elements influencing their performance. These influences can be local and international, depending on the size of organization. Small or large enterprises are aimed at selling products or services to the customer. Customer is the driving force, who determines the success of any product or service in the market. The product or service offered in the market, has many substitute offering the customer wide variety of choices.

The wide variety of products and services present in the market, require companies to design a product with unique attributes. This uniqueness is offered in terms of shape, colour, design, usefulness, display, and usability etc. the aspect of uniqueness cannot be achieved in designing the product or service, but it also include on how well the product is presented in the market. This requires the companies to develop an effective plan for communicating the various and unique aspects of products to the final consumer (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006, pp. 45-50).

Introduction of an Organization

Pizza hut is an international restaurant chain operating in various parts of the world. The restaurant chain is equally important in almost every part of the world, where it is operating. The food chain has been originated from United States, and it has its franchises running successfully all over the world. The success of the food company lies in maintaining their international standard of quality. The quality of food is the foremost in pizza hut, which is well communicated to all the workers, employed world-wide. The quality of food is not maintained in taste of food, but the manner in which the food is delivered to final consumer. The fast food chain has been facing immense competition. This wave of competition is coming from direct competitors and indirect competitors (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006, pp. 45-50).

Pizza has become the favorite food of almost generations. But the food is widely popular among teenagers and young. The food is fulfilling, so the adults and office going people also prefer pizza. Pizza hut which is originated from United States has its franchises all over the world. As the food company is has its operation all over the world, it has its local and international competitors as well. The competitors are further divided into direct and indirect competitors. Initially the food company is faced with only indirect competition only, but with the passage of time, the boom in the food industry has introduced direct competition. Direct competition or competitors refer to all the pizza chain operating, while indirect competition or competitors refer to all the food companies, operating all over the world. To cater the needs and demands of the customers, the company should not only focus on the providing quality food to the customers. Though the quality of food is ...