Communicating Effectively With Tourists

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Communicating Effectively With Tourists

Communicating Effectively With Tourists

What is communication?


Communication is about giving and receiving messages. It is something we do every day , so how we communicate is very important. In this module, you will learn what communication is. You will also learn about barriers that can get in the way of good communication.

Activity 1.1 Talking, a way of communicating

(a) What happens when you talk?

(i) When we talk, we actually shares an idea and give others a message

(ii) In the mean while the other tends to be the receiver, receiving and understanding, the message in order to five the feedback.

(b) What things might you talk about when you talk with?

(1) a friend ? Joke, or share a secret

(2).your children? Teach them how to play football

(3) a shopkeeper? Asking about the price of the product

(4) your brothers or sisters? Sharing about the family

(5) a visitor from another village? Asking about how other people are

(6) A tourist from another country? Good places to visit.

With a friend, make a definition of 'communication':

Communication is a process, in which a person sends the messages to the receiver in order to communicate the idea or a feeling, and thus a receiver after receiving the message, gives a respond

Check your definition with some other classmates. Is your definition different? Is 'communication' easy or difficult to define?

Activity 1.2 Communication Model

We can use a communication model to help us understand how to communicate. There are six elements in a communication model.

Study the model on page 4 and complete the following list:



(c) Receiver

(d) Barrier

(e) Feedback

(f) Forms of communication

Activity 1.3 Verbal Communication

Verbal communication (talking) is communication using words and speaking.

Give two examples of verbal communication.

(a) Talking face to face

(b) Talking on the telephone

There are right ways and wrong ways to communicate when you talk in every situation. You should try to choose the way to talk that suits your situation.

Tick (?) the right boxes to show how we should talk with a tourist.

???be open and friendly

???be rude

???use the right tone and speed

???speak very fast

???use words the listener will understand

???use swear words

(Would you choose different answers for talking with a friend?)

Activity 1.4 Communication problem

In the story above,

? The sender is person sending the message

? The message is idea being communicated to the receiver

? The receiver is the person who is receiving the message

? The barrier is the misunderstanding in the communication

? The feedback is the response by the receiver that is sent back to the messenger

? The form of communication is the way the message is sent for example, telephonic communication.

Activity 1.5 Non-verbal Communication

Sometimes our body language says even more than what we say with our words. Body language can give a positive (good) or a negative (bad) message.

Beneath each picture, put a tick (?) for positive body language and a cross (x) for negative body ...
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