Communicate Effectively With Infants, Toddlers, And Young Children

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Communicate Effectively With Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children

Communicate Effectively With Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children


Children base their opinion about the whole world and themselves on their day to day experiences. One of the most significant experiences adult can provide infants is to listen to them and communicate with them (Winkelstern & Jongsma, 2006). With these day to day interactions, adult can develop relationship with children that is helpful for children to learn new things about the world and themselves. Adult have a duty to create and maintain a positive and health relationship with children and communication is the most practical and rewarding way to create a relationship (Groark, 2011). According to the studies, it has been suggested that best parent children relationship is characterized by a great deal of positive communication. Parent should communicate with children on different things (Becker & Becker, 2009). It is believed by several scholars and researchers that when adult keep in touch with their children with positive conversation and attention, the kids are less prone to act out or behave in bad manners that lead to conflicts or need discipline (ERO, 2010).

Effective communication with children needs appropriate behavior and communication styles in accordance with the age of the children (Essa, 2014). Comprehending how children of different age groups communicate and what are their preferences in communication is important to have a rewarding interaction with the kids (Clark & Moss, 2001). Adults should communicate with children in such a way that is appropriate for their interests and age. In this paper we will review a number of articles related to communication effectively with infants, toddlers, and young children (ERO, 2010). This paper will discuss what these articles have found out. Moreover the paper will also discuss how these articles have influenced on the research topic and the differences that have been made by these articles to the concepts in relation to effective communication with children. In addition, the paper will put some light on what have been learnt with the literature review.

Annotated Bibliography

Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2008). “Diversity in Early care and Education: Honoring Differences” (fifth edition). Boston: McGraw Hills.

This is a book written by Gonzalez-Mena. This book has been published by McGraw Hills in the year 2008 in Boston. In this book, the author has explained cultural diversity in a non threatening manner. The book has discussed the significant factors that should be considered by the teachers for child care and early education.

Education and early child care have been growing rapidly and the infant care is the fasted growing institution. The children in these programs increasingly belong to ethnic minority groups as the Americans and Canadian population move toward becoming minorities. It is now commonly practiced that more and more infants are cared outside their home; it is significant to consider the trend of increasing cultural diversity. Young children are developing their identity. They do not have appropriate sense of cultural skills or identity. They develop their culture and learn skills from people around ...