Commercial Media

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Can commercial media be ethical? Be sure to draw on each of the

module topics to in answering the question and use artefacts from your portfolio to

illustrate your argument.

Can commercial media be ethical? Be sure to draw on each of the

module topics to in answering the question and use artefacts from your portfolio to

illustrate your argument.

Topic Selected

The topic selected for the assignment is “Can commercial media be ethical? Be sure to draw on each of the module topics to in answering the question and use artefacts from your portfolio to illustrate your argument.” A total of five articles from the required readings (mentioned in the bibliography list) have been selected to write the article apart form other resources. All the articles fomr the required readings have been based on the commerical media and the ethics.


Usually we communicate because we are confident that our partners will convey a truthful or genuine message; we assume that in most cases they will not try to fool us, offend or cause us any harm. The accuracy requirement of the communication itself does not mean that the information has to be always completely accurate (Beckett, 2003). The accuracy requirement is proper scientific communication, but also applies in the case of data containing information that may be accurate and relevant to the content of the communication. But in many other cases we usually admit some leeway regarding what the demand for truth is, without ever abandoning reach. For example, when we turned up we usually select the information we give of ourselves, as when we wrote a curriculum: it is not acceptable to put false information but it would be absurd to include our shortcomings. We also seek to impress others, beautifying our appearance, or trying to endure, for example by emphasizing our most original features or better (Boddy, 1992, p. 63-71). This communication, if duly identified and subjected to certain matters of form and content, is a form of communication as legitimate as any other (Brett, 2003, p. 249-273).

However, we do not live in a perfect world. In regards to the markets, we rather live in a saturated world, where competition for survival is often hard. Sometimes the desire to gain easy or fast is too strong and causes little or no honest behavior. Commercial media is an effective tool to disseminate commercial messages correct, but also uses it to send messages rather less positive ones (Baerns, 2003). Commercial media becomes hands of those who do not respect their rules in an aggressive message source; false and misleading unreasonably prejudice (Brett, 2003, p. 249-273). The lack of ethics in communication not only hurts the person receiving the message but all they communicate. By breaking the trust in the message itself, produces more noise that can distort and derail communication. This is basically the function of self-regulation: in order to distinguish and separate those with messages of harm for others, thus restoring general confidence in communication (Boddy, 1992, ...
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