Columbus Letters

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Columbus Letters

Columbus Letters


Christopher's voyages are remarkable and has great significance in history. His voyages started from the European explorations and led to the colonization of different American continents. He is regarded as one of the famous explorers of his times. He was a navigator and Castile's admiral. He was born in Genoa, Italy in the year 1451. He was the most learned men of his times which can be hypothesized by his theories. He presented his theory that one can reach Far East from the opposite direction via ship. He called his plan as “Enterprise of the Indies” and was persistent and determined that one can reach aland by sailing west.

He made four voyages to America dating from 1492 to 1502. These voyages in history are remarked by the European Americans as The Discovery of Americas or Discovery of America (Nicholas, 2009). However, it is now evident that Christopher Columbus didn't discover the New World. But still Columbus contributions are highly pivotal as his discovery of Americas led to the connection between the Old and New World (Anonymous, 2011). All of his four voyages were fully funded by seven noble Genovese bankers. Two of his letters regarding his voyage to the New World has been discussed below.


Christopher Columbus First Voyage

His letter evidently proves that he left for his first ever voyage on August 3, 1492. The ships that he used were very tiny and accommodated 90 men altogether. He named those ships as Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina. After a great expedition on October 12th, a land was sighted. They arrived on the land in the Bahamas and named the land “San Salvador”. In the following weeks, Christopher's ships made landings over Cuba (Juana as named by Columbus) and Espanola (Hispaniola as named by Columbus). His ...
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