Columbine High School Shootings

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Columbine High School shootings

Columbine High School shootings


School Violence is an increasing difficulty in schools over America. After the tragedy of the shootings at Columbine High School in April of 1999, administration has been compelled to open their eyes and glimpse that this growing difficulty desires to be addressed. New ways are being presented to avert school violence. The way to avert aggression in high schools is to educate the elementary and middle schools not to be prejudice, racist or sexist. (Elliot, 2001, 18)

Columbine High School shootings

On April 20, 1999, in the little, suburban village of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an all-out assault on Columbine High School throughout the middle of the school day. The boys' design was to murder hundreds of their peers. With cannons, blades, and a multitude of blasting apparatus, the two young men strolled the hallways and killed. When the day was finished, twelve scholars, one educator, and the two murderers were dead. The haunting inquiry remains: why did they do it? (Elliot, 2001, 18)

Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were both smart, came from solid dwellings with two parents, and had older male siblings who were three years their senior. In elementary school, Klebold and Harris had both performed in sports for example baseball and soccer. Both relished employed with computers.

The young men contacted each other while assisting Ken Caryl Middle School in 1993. Though Klebold had been born and increased in the Denver locality, Harris' dad had been in the U.S. Air Force and had moved the family some times before he left and moved his family to Littleton, Colorado in July 1993. When the two young men went into high school, they discovered it tough to fit into any of the cliques.* as is too ...
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