Colorado Springs Welcome Home Parade

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Colorado springs welcome home parade


Colorado Springs welcome home parade


The city of Colorado Springs is planning to organize a welcome parade for the soldiers who are coming back after serving the U.S Army in Iraq. It is a tough task to manage because of time, money, and other resource constraints. However, the implementation of project management skills by the city council, project management team and the management team committee, will make the event possible and successful.


Business Case

The planning of this parade has been done by analyzing the previous event presented in a business case. The business case of 'Colorado Springs welcome home parade' gives a complete account of planning, organizing, and executing an event (PMI, 2013). It was very insightful business case which covered the details of a mega event, along with the challenges it faced and solutions developed to resolve the problems. It clearly defined the task of assigning roles and responsibilities to teams. The business case also mentioned the precautionary measures taken by the concerned authorities and the last minutes challenges that were faced by the organizers. The issue of fund generation has also been discussed in this case, along with the measure taken to get enough money for the welcome home parade of the soldiers.

Event Background

The war against Iraq began in March 2003 as a result of a threat that the Saddam regime had weapons of mass destruction (Stiglitz, 2008). Fort Carson soldiers were also part of the forces that were sent to fight against the enemy. As the war has ended, the final mission more than ten thousand Fort Carson soldiers are returning from their mission in Iraq. In order to honor their services for the country, the city council of Colorado Springs has worked on the idea of welcome home parade. The extent of the oprganization of event can be understood by the fact that the White House has issued a statement of its hope that the event will be successful.

Milestone Schedule and Deliverables

The planning of the event has been done by developing a number of milestones which will help in determining the pace of the management team and how well the deadline are going. These milestones include the information about the desired task, completion date, stakeholders involved, and the criteria to accept the milestone.

The first milestone will be of the Approval to conduct 'welcome home parade' for Fort Carson soldiers, who are coming back after war in Iraq. This approval will be taken in the January 2014 with the consensus of the city council and the Fort Carson officer. The approval criteria will be the presentation of idea, feasibility, and the positive outcomes of the events.

The next step will be the Development of 'Project management team' and 'Management team committee' and assignment of roles. Fee allocation of the event management company selected and setting up of a bank account will be done in the second week of February 2014. It is important that financial matters for a particular event ...