Color Run

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Color Run Purpose and Target Audience

Purpose and Target Audience of the Event Color Run


Color Run is basically a concept for enjoying and experiencing a day with family and friends. It is non-competitive. There is no restriction regarding the time limit in the event, and it totally depends upon the audience that whether they enjoy walking, skipping, dancing, or running. Color Run is all about fun. One of the important reasons behind the Color Run is to raise money. This money will be used for funding services and supporting the 23,000 Australians who are living with multiple sclerosis.

Color Run has its origination in U.S. and calls itself as one of the happiest 5K on the planet. It is considered to be the best race for creative type. The target audience of Color Run consisted of youth, old people, small children, adults and everyone in the social community. Charity event like Color Run is a great way of increasing the awareness for a particular cause. Money is raised by collecting funds and building the strong reputation of the charity within the wider perspective of community.


Purpose of Color Run

The color Run is one of an experience which is more about enjoying the color crazy day with family and friends and is less about speed. The basic purpose of Color Run is to raise money for the charity, support and funding services of 23,000 Australians living with multiple sclerosis. Every adult participant is asked to raise a minimum amount of $200. Each run benefits the local non-profits. It's a fun run open for all ( The use of Color Run for the audience, who are an Olympic athlete or the casual morning mall walker, is to make the 5 kilometers course of the Color Run most enjoyable real estate that is traveled in a very long period of time (

Figure 01- Target Audience of Color Run

Target Audience of the Event

The target audience or the participants for the Color Run event comprise of young, old, small, domestic, foreign or everyone. They all have different speeds, sizes that are toeing the start line, shapes and ages. Participants under the age of18 are required to bring a wavier that must have signatures from the parents or guardians side allowing for the race or packet pick-up. Children under the age of 7 are free to run for the race ( All the color runners always have a blast whenever this event takes place. All participants of the Color Run event are required to start out all in white, head-to-toe, and at the finishing time they are decorated in a spattering of dazzling, vibrant color.

In my view, the target and purpose of the audience should be to participate with all their heart and soul and full energy in order to raise funds for those living with multiple sclerosis. The target audience in my view should be limited to youth and children because, older people are not able to have a race or walk foe even ...
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