Colonization And Its Effects On Aboriginal Women

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Colonization and its effects on Aboriginal Women

Colonization and its effects on Aboriginal Women


Colonization takes place whenever any one or more species inhabit an area. Colonization is a procedure Aboriginal individuals have been opposing since the beginning of Aboriginal relationship. The history of colonization has critically affected the well being and health of Canada's aboriginal people and particularly women. The infliction of European standards caused Aboriginal women to lose culture, language, their economic status, community rights, and traditional roles as leaders and healers. The high frequency of family violence against Aboriginal women is seen as one of the most terrible consequences.

The negative and conventional image of Aboriginal women still exists in the society; this might contribute to the racism and discrimination Aboriginal women experience today. This essay will discuss the effects of colonization on the health and wellness of women.


This essay will demonstrate that colonization and its existing expressions in the plans and practices affect Aboriginal women make distinctive risks to their health status.

A number of Aboriginal women experience injustice not only on the basis of gender but also on race and class. Aboriginal women are more probable to experience poor physical environment, low quality housings, lower socio economic status, lower level of education and fewer opportunities of employment as compared to non-Aboriginal women (Martin-Hill, 2003, pp. 106-120).

At times these health determinants are recurring; i.e. discrimination in one determinant of health i.e. income can arise from discriminations in another i.e. education level, continuing a cycle of discriminations that numerous Aboriginal women in Canada face on everyday basis. These discriminations of health that Aboriginal women face are deeply connected to a history of colonization (Waldram, Herring, & young, 2006, pp. 106- 120).

Colonization has an adverse effect specially on the health of a pregnant women. According to study in Edmonton, the risk factors ...
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