Collegiate Athletic Compensation

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Collegiate Athletic Compensation


Median annual earnings of college athletes were $ 45,320 in 2002. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $ 14,090, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $ 145,600. However, the highest paid professional college athletes earn salaries far in excess of these estimates. Median annual earnings of umpires and related workers were $ 20,540 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $ 16,210 and $ 29,490. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $ 13,760, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $ 40,350.

Median annual earnings of coaches and scouts were $ 27,880 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $ 17,890 and $ 42,250.The lowest 10 percent earned less than $ 13,370, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $ 60,230. Earnings vary by level of education, certification, and geographic region. Some instructors and coaches paid a salary, while others can be paid by the hour, per session, or based on the number of participants.


Those who still think that sports are athletics only see in this article, this has become, in most activities, business more profitable than other traditional areas of the economy.Basically, the sport is still overcoming the men in a field, in a circuit of cars or motorcycles, in water or on a track but now moves other interests. It is clear that professional sports is a great business if it is managed well, and often do not understand and overcome crisis in record numbers to other economic activities. It is clear that states invest in sports policies, Spain is a clear example from Barcelona '92, but those who are squeezed juice business, and college athletes.

While the bank reduces templates and closes branches to save money, has spared millions of euros to sponsor events, be sponsor Olympic teams, selections (Banesto), league (BBVA with the 1 ° and 2 ° division and Santander to Ferrari), the most important clubs or majestic building stadiums (Lane). However, sport is business for elite college athletes in some cases have reaped fortunes than the entrepreneurs, or businessmen who have never stepped on a football field. Therefore, we have seen that little by little the great stars of the "show-business" are not actors or singers, now is the turn of the college athletes, and what better than a ranking of the highest paid college athletes, to understand the millions of dollars to move this business. where the award takes it Tiger Wood s billing in the last 12 months a total of 75 million U.S. dollars (just over 52 million euros).

In second place is Kobe Bryant, basketball player, who pocketed $ 53 million, and closing the podium, another NBA, LeBron James with 48 million relegated to fourth place at the tennis great Roger Federer on his heels with 47 million. Behind them followed in the top 10 golfer Phil Mickelson, David Beckham, Cristiano Rolando and Alex Rodriguez. But contracts are so high? The lion's share carried by college athletes is not their contracts with entities or ...
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