College Tuition

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Dilemma faced by students concerning college tuition

Dilemma faced by students concerning college tuition


Education has been a continuous process that is prevalent since the birth and arrival of Adam and Eve on mother Earth. Looking through times that have been brought upon us, there have been several examples, be it be prophetic leaders to the infamous Roman Empire, from the Pharaohs of Egypt to the Mughal Dynasty, one can easily identify and witness that several accounts shall be obtained regarding educational proceedings and jurisdictions that maybe undertaken for the purpose and objectives of making effective use of themselves, being aware of their surroundings and at the same time using their acquired knowledge towards the benefit and well-being of society as well. This paper discusses the dilemma faced by students concerning college tuition.


In today's modern of iterated expansion and advanced technology that is constantly changing, keeping pace with the updates coming on all areas and fields of expertise is extremely important and crucial for all students to know, which shall help them make greater and effective use of all their capabilities and skills they are born with. But unfortunately in the real world (i.e. the business market), that is not the case, for all that students learn in the educational institutions that have been set up for intending education do not actually cater and intend regarding what goes on in the world of business (This notion, however, is not applicable to the world of skills such as engineering, doctorate and other discipline alike).

Corporations are not willing to give into recruiting students from institutions for the purpose and well-being of the students and the society overall, but only to build the customer base and simultaneously expanding their base of the profit for further growth and expansion in the market (Johnson, 2001, 1369-1401). The reason corporations aim towards these schools is because they do not have any other source left to collect funds. Usually corporations look out for freshly graduated individuals, since they have a lot of passion, energy, tenacity and higher levels of motivation in comparison to other people in the market who already are working long hours and earning themselves a living.

They are being greatly and majorly provided perks and privileges, such as a heavy salary package, comfortable working environment, medical cover, transportation facility, educational benefits, family aid packages, healthy food, good environment, kiosk, gym, salon and all forms and varieties of services and facilities so that maximum number of young and fresh graduates pave way to work for the company. Some corporations even compensate for overtime, late sitting, or even showing up to work for holidays. Those school doors could be assured open with the aid of corporate sponsors whose return could be guaranteed as long as their presence remains effective and worthy. Unfortunately corporations know that education, or intelligence is not paramount to the overall society, since there are a lot of examples present, who may have not topped their class, but the world's top graduates and bachelors with outstanding ...
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