College Athletics

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College Athletics


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the debate that whether the college athletes should be paid or not? This paper focuses on diverse arguments and contradictory sources that debate about the college athletes paid. The sports and extracurricular activities in high schools and colleges; especially, sports is gaining a lot of positive attention with the passage of time. The success of college games and sports is due to the passion, dedication and desire of the athletes for the sports. Only the schools, and sponsors of these profiting tournaments, and bowl games collect the profits that athletes bring in and it is not fair. Like any debate, there are those that oppose the argument who of course are the individuals that reap the benefits for having such athletes (Sack, 89).

Those that oppose the most are the sponsors and the NCAA that are confiscating the money away from deserving athletes. They believe that a scholarship is enough but that scholarship only covers a limited amount. There are also those who believe that a scholarship, being in the spotlight and being on national television is enough. To the players, it is not about being in the spotlight or having their faces seen on television nationally. These athletes want to be able to compete on a higher level and play for the love of the game. The problem is that there's a cost in doing so and the money that would help athletes, held captive like a prisoner by the NCAA, coaches, and sponsors. The NCAA and sponsors for nationally televised sporting events are keeping athletes from playing the games they love without having to worry about the expenses it may cause. There is a lot of revenue taken in by NCAA schools and sponsors for having a part in nationally televised games (Sack, 90).

The Role of NCAA

Everybody knows that emergencies come up this world is not perfect. There are special fund for these types of things. All they have to do is fill out the proper paperwork to get it. Most players have families also that can assist them financially (Schneider, 104). Plus there are jobs at the school that anybody going there can get. The student athletes have not reached an uppermost level of the game to be paid for there playing. Those who get paid will make them feel like superstars, and they are not yet. It will cause more problems in the college world.

Contracts will have to be made for these players, and that is could call for holdouts demands to be paid more for more production. This would make a significant impact on the college environment (Schneider, 105). All the suspensions that there are for players talking to agents and having agents would increase because of their contracts with the schools. Agents would offer them bigger professional deals that the schools would not be able to match. This would cause for people to break rules, some rules would have to change, and it would create ...
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