Collective Bargaining And Negotiation

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Section 3- Assess the Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Processes

Section 3- Assess the Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Processes


This paper assesses the collective bargaining and negotiation processes. In this context, the paper discovers the roles of employer representatives, the role of employee representatives, negotiation strategy, and preparation for negotiation. It also discusses a case settlement and disclosure of information issues. The overall paper focuses on the relationship between employees and the organization. It also briefly touches on organizational culture, however, mainly focuses on how conflicts are managed.


Role of Negotiation in Collective Bargaining

Employee representatives, employer representative entailing stewards, managing branch and staff officers, hold an imperative function to play in enhancing working situations. The negotiation is to be held to make sure that management of contract is supported; financial factors and implementations are evidently outlined. At times, even documentations can be employed to adulterate the awful impact of a stand; hence documentation can also be a measure in the negotiation process. A process, in which employers representatives, employee representatives, and trade unions negotiate and treat with a viewpoint to the final decision of renewal or a collective agreement or the solution of conflicts, is known as collective bargaining. Negotiation and collective bargaining are identical in their essence, as the principles pertinent to the both are related and similar. Nevertheless, there are few differences between collective bargaining and negotiation (Thomas,, 2013).

In theory, the word bargaining is used to define the economic interface between an employee and an employer, which is concluded in the individual treaty, whether unwritten or written. When a firm hires an employee, it can demand manual labor, and concur on a reward (price) for that labor wok. In this situation, the intension, consideration, offer, and acceptance to formulate a legitimate relationship represents a bargain to which conformity can be required in law. On the other hand, when unions in a firm negotiate a collective concord with managers or companies, the procedure and the result are rather dissimilar. In the initial arrangement, unions don't trade labor to manager or owners, not like individual employees. Similarly, managers or owners don't pay unions for task performed (Glassner & Keune, 2010).

The overall process of collective bargaining is in realism a chain of negotiations, political, and diplomatic manoeuvres, with the affect of economic. For the causes of this principle, the phrase “collective bargaining” expands to all negotiations that emerge between groups of employers, an employer, or one or more employer's firms on the one side, and one or more employees' firms, on the other side (Hayter, 2011). The negotiations can take place for the following conditions:

Deciding working terms and conditions of job;

Controlling and managing relations between workers and employers; and

Controlling and organizing relationships between organizations or their employers and an employee's or employees' organizations.

Negotiation Strategy

Glassner,, (2011) affirms that negotiation is a procedure in which individuals shift from their differing situations to a point where conformity may be achieved. The negotiation strategy involves an eight step ...
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