Collection Of Data And Analysis

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Collection of Data and Analysis

Transcription Analysis Report Of Case Study #1


The transcription report is part of the qualitative research that was conducted at the Orion University. Students with different background came up with a lot of problem that they face while studying. There were also issues related to their communities and how they find it hard and a burden to study. More minorities should be introduced to create an equal opportunity environment. The interviews would help understand many problems related to students with diverse surroundings. It can also help in finding a solution that why most of the students drop out of there semester which may vary different reasons like financial, racial or family problems.

Summary of the Report

There are students with different problems from one another. But, there are also some unanimous problems they feel the institution should sort it out for them. Students are stressed out of getting good grades because they would have to maintain a certain G.P.A if they want to continues with the scholarship. They even feel to transfer to a college which is much cheaper than what they have to pay right now along with a chance to stay close to their family. Sometimes, in order to be competitive in front of Professors students don't bother to ask for their help. But the passion to study makes them work hard although they would welcome if tutor's help is provided to those students who need it.

There are students from Asian and the basic factor of not getting into their studies well is home sickness. They also feel left alone due to the language barrier that they face because their English is not up to the level as they understand it. That makes them participate less in the classrooms but they think a good English course can solve their issues. Students who are working and studying all together really find it hard to compete with. Professors should understand their situation because they are doing their best to perform well, they feel. But, they think if they are offered with a job on campus, it will solve many of their troubles and they can do better in their education. Multi cultured environment can help in many cases but in some cases it doesn't help. Students with different religious background find it harder to stay on campus. They feel stratified when it comes to the difference in meals. For example (a Muslim student is quitting her education because of the halal food which is not available on campus). More minorities should be introduced to create an equal opportunity environment. She would like to stay up studying if more of her community members are there to make them feel comfortable.

People who left school long time ago and by coming back to education, they come up with different sorts of problems. Although, working parents have to take care of their families as well as to study and in some cases work as well. They find it difficult to take notes and ...
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