Collapse Using Health Information Technology As A Source Of Evidence-Based Practice

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Collapse Using Health Information Technology as a Source of Evidence-Based Practice

Collapse Using Health Information Technology as a Source of Evidence-Based Practice

Health Information Technology

Health information technology (HIT) supports the health care professionals including the physicians and nurses in making decisions and better care plan. HIT imparts the expertise and information from health care settings. It further helps to manage the patients` data and business requirements via using the computer technology (Staggers et al, 2008). With respect to the nursing professions, the significant and identified part of health information technology is Electronic Health Record.

Case of Congestive Heart Failure

In the clinical setting where I work, I experienced the case related to the patient of congestive heart failure. Mr. X came to the emergency department with the condition of difficulty in breathing and chest pain. On examination, the patient diagnosed with congestive heart failure. His chest X-ray report showed pulmonary edema. Nurse working in the emergency room administered all the prescribed drugs by Clinician. After improvement condition of Mr. X, he was shifted to room. Nurses administered the adjusted doses of drugs regularly. After eight days, when nurse went to patient`s room, she found Mr. X dead. Upon investigation of the case, nurse identified many factors that had induced heart attack and consequently death.

Clinician has prescribed the high dose of digoxin without concentrating on the blood potassium and magnesium level of patient. Patient possessed the low level of potassium and magnesium, as well as the reduced kidney function. It is a condition in which digoxin is either contraindicated or given in reduced doses. Along with this, the healthcare professionals were also not carrying out the regular monitoring of blood digoxin level. The monitoring is essential, particularly in case of compromised kidney function (Whitbeck et al, 2013).

The discussed case shows that nurses provide ...