Cognitive Therapy

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Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy


The client suffering from Bipolar Client's current medical condition needs to be treated using the cognitive behavioral therapy, also termed as CBT.

The treatment requires CBT approach. Cognitive therapy is a structured, active, directive, time-limited therapy to treat the various psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorder by dealing with the cognitions that a person has. In this case, the client does require the Cognitive Therapy to get back on track. CBT will build on the theoretical view that the feelings and behaviors of the client are related to how she structures the world in her thoughts and beliefs. According to the cognitive model, dysfunctional thoughts which may be without basis do have the power in reality to significantly influence mood and behavior of the individual. Interestingly, the intensity of feelings depends largely on how the situation is assessed. A partial analysis of reality generates feelings disproportionate or inappropriate to deal with the situation and create a workaround (Wells, 2000).

Cognitive therapy may also be termed as a rational emotive behavioral therapy which is an approach that seeks to help patients develop awareness of illogical assumptions that, when questioned or challenged, help us feel better. The psychological problems stem from erroneous or irrational thoughts that form a basic system of beliefs. The therapy is to examine the validity of these thoughts in the client through logical criticism, discriminate between what is true or irrational, look for evidence that the irrational assertion follows logically true, formulate rational thoughts, change beliefs and thoughts, and plan what the person would need to do next time she confronts the triggering situation. The important point to note is that radical behavioral is the behavior which is followed by presentation of a positive or negative reinforcement, and it is more likely to be repeated with the same function. For example, if behavior is followed by a punishment, then response is unlikely to occur later. The designated therapies of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) are so called because they are an integration of concepts and cognitive and behavioral techniques. CBT is a diverse approach to integrate concepts and techniques of two different approaches both with respect to theoretical assumptions and about the practice of psychotherapy. (Wells, 2000). The stress inside her can be considerably reduced by applying CBT.


Historical Background of the therapy used

Client is a 71 year old Caucasian American female who is facing problems owing to Bipolar Client's current medical condition. Her condition can be very much treated if Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is applied to treat her.

The Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and psychotherapy was developed in the 1960s by Aaron Beck. Its origins however, date back to the twentieth century, and in particular they have their origins in the scientific tradition of experimental psychology, with the studies of JB Watson and IP Pavlov, who were founders of the theory of "Behaviorism". From these studies, various techniques of behavior modification were applied to the field of mental studies, directly derived from ...
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