Cognitive Developments In Infants

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Cognitive Developments in Infants


Infancy is not just a period when a child grows physically; indeed it is a phase in the life of an individual when his brain starts developing. These cognitive skills are related to memory, analyzing, and thinking that continues to develop throughout the babyhood. When it is about infancy cognitive development, it has everything to do with the subject area that is Psychology. Language is one of the major factors in the process of infant's cognitive development. Today sign language is novel way to help a child foster his mental skills even before he starts to speak.

Cognitive Developments in Infants

Thesis Statement

Infant's Cognitive development and the benefits of sign language outlining the early speech learning and examining the effects and benefits of teaching sign language to infants.


Cognitive and language training refers to the child's ability to learn to reason, problem identification, solving and then to regain his composure. Observation of these skills is important so one can recognize to augment the constructiveness of the baby's learning capability. Though a baby's early cognitive development begins when he is still in mother's womb, but ideally whatever a child learns in the early 2 years of life are the basis for his understanding of the world he is surrounded with. Babies Learn through their reflexes in the first month of their lives, and all the growth till the first 2 years of their lives is based on their observation.


Cognitive Development and Early Word Learning Ability

A child learns through interaction with the people in his surroundings which serves as a learning tool for them in order to understand their environment, creating new connections and building a corridor between nerve cells (Collingwood, J. 2009).

Physical development is something which can be observed and calculated in terms of height and weight, whereas the cognitive development becomes hard to judge as an obvious factor. Consequently it becomes something which is based upon careful observation.

'Howard Reinstein', a pediatrician in California says “Babies have the ability to understand languages much before they can actually speak or use them" According to him most of the children have this cognitive ability to learn 'sign languages' at an age as early as eight months. These signs can be a simple gesture like blowing a kiss or waving hands to say bye.

Infant's Cognitive Development

Babies communicate with their surroundings through their senses and reflexive attitudes entirely. Unlike the elders, they don't think before doing anything nor are they concerned of the consequences. They follow their senses and instincts which result in involuntary actions. Their reactions at the time of need are all involuntary, for instance they cry when they need food or attention. As they begin to grow they start off learning new things around through their senses. They start engaging themselves in deliberate behaviors, they start thinking of their needs and requirements and ways to accomplish their needs Collingwood, J. 2009).

Babies also develop the ability to sense intangible objects. These landmarks constitute in chief accomplishments of a child's cognitive ...
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