Cognitive Changes That Occur In Menopausal Women

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Cognitive Changes that Occur in Menopausal Women


Menopause means a period of normal development of the human (and female and male sex) in an individually different long period of about 5 to 7 years, with the woman before the last menstrual period, menopause. It causes a high frequency of occurrence of major psychiatric complications. It is a stage whereby a women no more gets into period and is unable to become pregnant. This poses various cognitive variations in a women's life; these cognitive changes are greatly related to the brain and psychology of women. The paper in its core analyzes the impact of the withdrawal of hormones, estrogens and progestogens on mental function, particularly on two major variables: mood and cognitive function.

Cognitive Changes that Occur in Menopausal Women


This paper will analyze the impact of the withdrawal of hormones, estrogens and progestogens on mental function, particularly on two major variables: mood and cognitive function. Female hormones affect very significantly the mental reasoning and mood, an example is the fact that unipolar disorder, manifested by recurrent depression throughout life, is three times more common in women than in men during the fertile period, but before puberty and after menopause equal frequency in both sexes. Also, data from National Comorbidity Survey conducted in the United States, more than 8000 people, indicate that the prevalence of depression is higher in women throughout life, showing the influence of female hormones on mood, understanding mind as a variable not only emotionally, but rather as a part of the vitality of the body (McEwen et al., 2012). In this regard, for example, it is known that people with recurrent depressive winter prevalence rate of migration of leukocytes is reduced to 5%, suggesting that low mood is part of a global low systemic vitality of the organism, and these losses are deeper and common in women during their fertile period.



The menopause means a period of normal development of the human (and female and male sex) in an individually different long period of about 5 to 7 years, with the woman before the last menstrual period, menopause (Morse & Rice, 2005). Then begins the so-called post-menopause that is a different individual long period of time after menopause is often difficult. The post menopause is finally more or less noticeable than in the senility. Under senility is defined as the time very individual, ie variable onset of "old age" with its own physical, emotional and spiritual restrictions (Frick, 2012a).

Classificatory menopause is not a separate entity (such as depression, anxiety disorders, etc.). That is, it is also no separate psychiatric diagnosis, as it was only the description of a condition or disorder, even if they reach clinical significance. The menopause is a physiologic (normal) life stage, which is defined by the start of menopause. At menopause is the last period spontaneous bleeding, by which at least takes place for one year, no further menstruating (Wroolie et al., 2009). The period from one year after menopause to senility is referred to as ...
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